
Dinner with the Society of Grownups

12:02 PM

There comes a time in every twenty-something's life where you realize you really have to stop eating cereal for dinner, actually sort your laundry by color, and start making more sound financial decisions. But where do you start? Enter Society of Grownupsa "masters program for adulthood" as they call it, where you can learn the basics of investing, how to plan for the future you want, and more. 

My girlfriend Taylor and I headed over to their brick and mortar location in Brookline last week for their Getting Better With Age event; a dinner event which fuses wine tasting and the basics of investing for retirement. 

We sampled some delicious wines, ate a delicious dinner, made some new friends, and started to think a little more seriously about those employee sponsored 401(k) plans and the contributions we're making. I left feeling that much more grownup and a little more confident about my retirement account. 

In addition to hosting various classes and events they offer personal finance advice and offer appointments and "checkups." Much easier, and much less scary than walking into Fidelity without a clue if you ask me! I'm hoping to check out their No Cereal for Dinner class soon; unfortunately that's one life still I've yet to master!

Salem Style Crochet Hat  //  Ann Taylor Cashmere V Neck (old, similar)  //  Lucky Brand Brooke Legging Jeans  //  Clarks Flats (old)


Do you consider yourself an adult? In what areas could you use a little coaching?

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